Chess in 1849

by Bill Wall


In 1849, Chess Player’s Companion by Staunton was published.


In 1849, Daniel Harrwitz (1823-1884) moved to England and became famous as a blindfold chess player, playing two games and four people at once blindfolded.  Newspapers wrote it up, saying “It is difficult to conceive of the effort of memory, and the power of mental concentration required to perform this extraordinary feat.”


In 1849, Kieseritzky edited La Regence until 1851.  He used an obscure notation.


In 1849, Fernando Saavedra was born.  In the late 19th century, he spotted a win in a position previously thought to have been a draw.  The position is now known as the Saavedra position.


In 1849, Max Lange (1832-1899) originally analysed the Kieseritzky Attack.  He was the editor of the Magdeburger Schachzeitung.


In 1849, Chess Euclid was published by Kling, containing over 200 problems.


In 1849, Ernest Morphy sent a chess game of his nephew, Paul Morphy to Lionel  Kieseritzky (1806-1853) in Paris, editor of the chess magazine La Regence.  The game was published in the magazine in January 1851.


In 1849, Eduard Lowe defeated Hugh Alexander Kennedy in a match in London.


In 1849, George Medley defeated Henry Bird in a match in London.


In January 1849, Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-1862) won the Ries Divan (London) knockout chess contest.  It was the first modern chess tourney.  It was the first time the word “tournament” applied to a real tournament - England.


In February 1849, Daniel Harrwitz defeated Bernhard Horwitz in a match in Brighton, England.


On March 1, 1849, Nathaniel Cooke registered his chess design (Staunton design).


On June 22, 1849, Paul Morphy, age 12, beat his uncle, Ernest Morphy, in his first blindfold game


On August 29, 1949, Daniel Mills was born in Stroud.  He was Scottish champion 9 times.  He was the British amateur champion in 1890.


In September 1849, Jaques began making the famous Jaques chess sets after the Cooke/Staunton design.  The Staunton chessmen, made of ebony and boxwood, sold for 25 shillings.  An ivory set cost 10 British pounds.


In September 1849, Staunton recommended Cooke's chess pieces in the Illustrated London News.  


On September 28, 1849, Paul Morphy, age 12, defeated Eugene Rousseau in a chess game


On November 19, 1849, James Mason was born in Kilkenny, Ireland.  He was a chess master and author.  He died in 1905.


On December 15, 1849, Ferdinand Brede died in Altona, Germany.  He was a chess problemist.


On December 29, 1849,  Johann Loewenthal arrived in NY as a  political refugee.


